File Management
FastKeys settings are stored into .fdb files, a default is Settings.fdb. Users can maintain several settings files which can be loaded and used one at the time. All main data management functions are accessible from a File menu.
Settings files can be saved to and run from any valid Windows location, local disk, network path, cloud etc. By saving the file to a shared location, you can access your settings from different computers.
Creating a new settings file
You can create a new settings file by selecting the File > New from the main menu or by pressing Ctrl + N. A new blank document appears. After adding new items, you need to save the file under a new name, using File > Save.
Opening an existing settings file
Open an existing settings file by selecting the File > Open menu option or by pressing Ctrl + O. A file dialog will be shown to select a (fdb) settings file from disk.
Appending settings from another file
You can append the settings from another file by selecting File > Append menu option. A file dialog will be shown to select a (fdb) settings file. This feature only appends settings to the currently active module.
Saving settings
Save the settings to file by selecting File > Save menu option, or by pressing Ctrl + S. If an existing file was opened for editing, the changes will be written to the original file. In case of a new file, a file dialog will be shown to select a new settings file name.
Save the settings to file under a different name by selecting File > Save As menu option. A file dialog will be shown to select a new settings file name.