Define user preferences for using the application. 


General options

Run FastKeys on startup - Set FastKeys to run automatically at Windows startup. 

Show tray icon - Show FastKeys tray icon. See Tray icon for more details. 

Show loading progress - Set progress bar to appear when loading settings. 

Clicking tray icon shows Start Menu - Define the left-click function of the Tray icon. 

Auto check for software updates - Check at FastKeys startup if more current FastKeys versions exist. 

Display options

Show stripes - Show stripes on list views. Only available with selected light themes.

Display Apply, Edit, Delete buttons - Show Apply button and all edit buttons (instead of only showing new button). 

Always show more options - Never show progressive disclosure of advanced options. 


Language - Select language for the user interface. 


Theme - Select the color theme for the user interface. 


Optimize memory - Optimize FastKeys memory usage. Keep it on for the best performance. 

Run as administrator - Run FastKeys in Administrator mode (same as enabling File Properties/Compatibility/Run this program as an administrator). 


General > Appearance

Popups font and color

Select the font type, size, color and the background color for the popup lists. 

General > Popups


Position - Set the position of the popup lists (above or below the caret)

Alternative position - Set the alternative position for the popup lists (Mouse cursor. Centered, Tray). This position is used in some programs (browsers etc.) which send invalid caret coordinates to the operating system.

Transparency - Set the transparency of the popup lists (in %). 

Maximum popup width - Set maximum width of the popup lists in pixels. 

Shadow type - Set the shadow type of the popup lists (0 - no shadow). 

Selection keys

Select keys to trigger selections from popup lists - Enter, Tab, Shift keys, Number keys, Numpad keys.

Selection Form

Show title bar - Show window title bar for Input Selection Forms. This also makes a form non-transparent. 

Break into columns - Break large Input Selection Forms into columns to fit the screen.

Align elements horizontally

Popup width (px) - Set the width of the Selection Form popups.


Force window focus - ensure the text is inserted into the target window after closing the selection dialog. 


General > Shortcuts

Quick find

Shortcut - Press a combination of keys to set Quick find shortcut. Use this shortcut to open a search dialog for easy access to all FastKeys commands. Type some keywords to search or press up, down, left and right keys to select commands and modules. You can also easily access the latest executed commands.

Search current typed word - Quick find dialog will automatically search for the last typed word.

Remember popup position - Enable this option to remember the position of the Quick Find window on the desktop.

Quick add

Shortcut - Press a combination of keys to set Quick-add shortcut. Use this shortcut to quickly copy any file, folder, webpage, text or command code to a new FastKeys command. 

... - Select more advanced keyboard or mouse shortcut combinations. 

Quick add to - Specify Quick-add default destination (Ask, Start menu, Shortcuts, Text Expander or Learned Wordlist)


Pause shortcut - Select a shortcut to be used to pause FastKeys, for example to temporarily suspend text expansions or auto complete suggestions. 

Settings shortcut - Select a shortcut for displaying the Main Settings window. 

Reload shortcut - Select a shortcut for re-starting FastKeys. 


General > Folders


Scripts folder - Set default folder path for selecting script files. 

Phrase file folder -  Set default folder path for selecting glossary files. 

Wordlist files folder - Set default folder path for selecting wordlist files.

Tables folder - Set default folder path for selecting table files.

... - Select default path. 

NOTE : Clear the path field to restore a default path.


No of saved backups - Set number of last saved FastKeys settings files to be preserved.

Backup files folder - Set default folder path for FastKeys settings backup files.


General > Sounds


Set the sound notifications for various FastKeys operations.

Enable/Disable the sound.

... - Select the sound file.

> - Play the selected sound.


Text Expander


Display suggestions as you type - Show suggested abbreviations and substitutes while typing - the detailed behavior can be set under Auto Complete preferences. 

Adjust to typed case - Allows substitutes to follow the typed case - first letter or all caps. 

Enable modifiers (!+^#) - Allow special modifier characters to be recognized in the text to perform special actions.

Enable random text generation syntax - Allows Spintax syntax in the substitution field to randomize parts of the text. Example: {Hello|Hi} will send random text: Hello or Hi. 

Enable Phrase file abbreviation string - allows setting the abbreviation string for a Phrase File. Typing this abbreviation string will trigger the pop-up menu containing Phrase File substitute entries 

Special characters

Default Prefix - Define a prefix character for all text expander items. 

Ending characters - List of ending characters which trigger a substitution. 

Default suffix - Define a global ending key which immediately triggers a substitution. 

Separator - Set a character for separating multiple abbreviation strings and multiple substitute strings. 

Description separator - Set character(s) to separate description from abbreviation in multiple selections popup menus. If present, only description will be shown on a menu. 


Only active in - Comma delimited list of window titles in which Text Expander will be active. Leave blank for all. 

Not active in - Comma delimited list of window titles in which Text Expander will be ignored (not active).

NOTE: A list may contain full or partial window (application) names. Window names are not case sensitive.


Text Expander > Advanced


Use clipboard if text length exceeds (char) - Use clipboard method for pasting larger text (faster) or Rich Text. 

Paste Delay (ms) - Time pause in milliseconds when pasting from Clipboard 

Use clipboard for Rich Text -

Key delays

Key delay (ms) - Set the delay between keystrokes when sending text (in milliseconds). Set it to 0 for no delay. 

Key press duration (ms) - Set the duration time of each keystroke when sending text (in milliseconds). Set it to 0 for no delay. 

Dialog delay (ms) - Set the delay (in milliseconds) before showing a selection dialog. 

Focus change delay (ms) - Set the delay after closing the selection dialog and before restoring the target window. 

Key delays only active in - Comma delimited list of window titles in which Key delays will be active. Leave blank for all.

NOTE: A list may contain full or partial window (application) names. Window names are not case sensitive

NOTE: Use key delays in some slower web applications if you experience missing keys or other issues.

Start Menu

Menu 1

Menu shortcut - Press a combination of keys to set keyboard shortcut to show Start Menu . 

... - Select more advanced keyboard or mouse shortcut combinations. 

Type - Set the menu type (standard Menu or always on top Toolbar)

Show menu on - Menu will show when the mouse touches the screen edge (Top edge, Right edge, Left edge, Bottom edge, None). Only available for a standard menu type.

More settings - Set the menu appearance - colors, size etc..  

Color and style - text and background color of the menu.

Icon size - size in pixels (typically 16 or 32) or none (no icons).  

Bold font - menu items will be shown in bold font. 

Break menu at separator - menu will be divided into more columns. 

Increase line spacing.

Remove text margin - removes extra space after a menu text. 

Remove vertical lines - removes vertical lines when a menu is broken to columns.

Selection color - set a background color for selected items. 

Invert selection text color.

Menu options

Auto download website icons - Download menu icons from the internet automatically. Turn off this option if you experience slow connection. 

Disable menu in full screen applications - Prevent showing menu on screen edge in full screen applications (games etc.). 

Show clipboard items - Show Clipboard history in a submenu on the bottom of the Start Menu. 

Add settings to Start Menu - Adds Settings menu item to the end of the Start Menu. 

Show recent items - Set a number of recent items to be shown on top of the Start Menu. Can show recently run files, their folders or both. 

Show in Submenu - Show recent items in a submenu on the bottom of the Start Menu. 

Menu delay (ms) - Set the delay (in milliseconds) before showing the menu when touching the screen edge. 

Top edge zone (L-R %) - Select the screen edge zone in which the menu appears - this setting is only available for the top edge.


Start Menu > More

Define three more Start Menus based on tabs. If menu shortcuts or edge triggering is defined it will display the items from the subsequent Start Menu tabs.



Only active in - Comma delimited list of window titles in which Shortcuts will be active. Leave blank for all. 

Not active in - Comma delimited list of window titles in which Shortcuts will be ignored (not active).

NOTE: A list may contain full or partial window (application) names. Window names are not case sensitive.


Auto Complete


Minimum word length to show suggestion - Set the minimum length of typed word to trigger the suggestion popup. Set this option to 0 to disable automatic suggestions.

Word suggestion list height - Number of words to be shown in suggestion list. 

Correct case of suggested word - Word case will adapt to typing case.

Send raw text - Send the replacement as a raw text, exactly as it appears, ignoring macros and special characters.

Case sensitive - Word recognition will be case sensitive.

Automatic spacing - Automatically adds a space after the completed word.

Include similar words (smart search)

Include words containing the string

Include descriptions

Include spaces

Sort - Select additional sorting of the suggestion list (None - keep original wordlist sorting, typically word frequency based, Alphabetically).

Prefixes - Specify the character(s) to be removed from the beginning of the auto completed word.


Only active in - Comma delimited list of window titles in which Auto Complete will be active. Leave blank for all. 

Not active in - Comma delimited list of window titles in which Auto Complete will be ignored (not active).

NOTE: A list may contain full or partial window (application) names. Window names are not case sensitive.


Auto Complete > More


Enable/Disable - Set a keyboard shortcut to enable and disable Shortcuts module.

Show suggestion - Set a keyboard shortcut to manually open the auto complete suggestion window. This allows a full manual control over Auto Complete.

Auto Learn

Turn on automatic word learning - Turn the word learning on. 

Learn wordlist file - The file to which learned words are saved. 

Learning options

Minimum length of learned words - Set the minimum word length to be learned. 

Number of occurrences to learn a word  - Set number of times the word must be written to be included in a Learned wordlist. This number is reset every session. 

Save learned words as lowercase - Save all words in lowercase. 

Don't learn strings - Comma delimited list of the strings which should not be learned if they appear within a word. The strings are not case-sensitive.




Gesture Key - Select a gesture key, typically right mouse button (RButton). 


Show mouse trail - Turn mouse path to be visible on screen. 

Play sound for no match - Sound is played in case the gesture cannot be recognized. 

Recognize 8 zones (advanced)  - Switch to 8 zone recognition. In addition to four main zones (Left, Right, Up and Down) also UL, UR, DL and DR zones will be recognized and recorded. This option requires more precise mouse movements and can be less reliable in some cases. 

Trail width and color - Select the width and color of a mouse trail path. 


Only active in - Comma delimited list of window titles in which Gestures will be active. Leave blank for all. 

Not active in - Comma delimited list of window titles in which Gestures will be ignored (not active).

NOTE: A list may contain full or partial window (application) names. Window names are not case sensitive.


Interval (ms)  - Time in milliseconds between each iteration of the gesture recognition loop. 

Threshold (px) - Minimum distance in pixels to register a gesture. 

Timeout (ms) - Maximum time in milliseconds between last mouse movement and release of gesture key. 

Initial timeout (ms) - Maximum time in milliseconds that the mouse can remain on initial position. 

Tolerance (%) - Maximum tolerated percent of deviance from zone center. 100 percent means full tolerance of 45 degrees in case of 4 zones.




Control volume with mouse wheel on right edge - Control main volume by moving mouse wheel up or down when mouse is on the right screen edge. 

Volume sensitivity - Set interval for changing volume - this setting is system dependent. 


Correct sentence capitals - Capitalize first letter in a sentence. 

Correct DOuble CApitals - Auto-correct double capitals in a word.   

Exclusions - Comma delimited list of the strings excluded from double capitals auto-correction.

Disable CapsLock key - Disable CapsLock key on a keyboard. 


Calculate math expressions - Enable in-line calculator. Suggested results of mathematical expressions will be provided after pressing the equal (=) key.

Continuous calculation (instead of pressing =) - Mathematical expressions will be calculated continuously and suggested results will be provided without pressing the equal (=) key.

Don't delete string - Don't delete a mathematical expression after the result is shown.

Show thousands separator - Results will be shown with a thousands separator as defined in Windows system settings. 

Round (decimals) - Set number of decimals to be shown in the results.

Usage statistics

Track usage statistics - Enable/disable tracking of user activity (number of triggers, number of keystrokes saved etc.).

Typing speed (wpm) - User's typing speed to be used in statistics calculations.

Hourly wage - User's hourly wage to be used in statistics calculations.


Functions > Clipboard Manager


Clipboard shortcut - Set a keyboard shortcut for displaying clipboard history. 


History size - Define a history size - number of saved clipboard items. 

Capture images and formatting - Set clipboard memory to capture images and text formatting. 

Allow duplicates - Set if duplicate history items are automatically removed from the list. 

Hold Ctrl key to paste without formatting - Paste Raw text by holding Ctrl Key on a keyboard while selecting the item from the list. 

Hold Shift key to paste without closing - Holding Shift Key on a keyboard while selecting the item from the list will keep the list visible.

Update order on paste - Move the last selected clipboard to the first position in the history list. WIndows clipboard content is also updated. Disable this option to keep the history and clipboard content unchanged after pasting.

Add to Auto Complete - Add saved clipboard items to Auto Complete suggestion lists. 

Save history - Save the clipboard history between the sessions.


Only active in - Comma delimited list of window titles in which Clipboard Manager will be active. Leave blank for all. 

Not active in - Comma delimited list of window titles in which Clipboard Manager will be ignored (not active).

NOTE: A list may contain full or partial window (application) names. Window names are not case sensitive.

Functions > Macro Recorder


Record shortcut - Set a keyboard shortcut key used to start and stop macro recording. 

Play shortcut - Set a keyboard shortcut key used to playback the latest recorded macro. 

Recording options

Select the actions to be recognized by the recorder (Keyboard actions, Mouse clicks, Relative to window, Time intervals, Window actions). 

Show virtual key names - the recorded command will show Windows virtual key names instead of regular key names. Use these options if the command was recorded improperly.

Show save dialog after recording




Check for new versions of FastKeys - Follow instructions to update the software to the most current version. 

Update Start Menu icons from internet - Refresh menu icons. 

View quick tips - Open FastKeys webpage with quick tips for beginners.   


Module Activation

Active modules

Select FastKeys modules to be active. Unselect not used modules to optimize speed and memory.

Rearrange the order of modules - Select the module and use Up and Down buttons to move the module. You can also use Drag and Drop.

Hide disabled modules - 


Team - available in Professional Edition


Shared file - Specify a path to FastKeys settings file on a network or a cloud. Shared file is usually prepared by your administrator and contains common settings which are available to the team. Ask your administrator for a file path, if available. Shared settings are automatically loaded at FastKeys startup. This setting may be disabled in the company's policy (Enterprise Edition).

... - Select the shared settings file from the network or shared drive. 

Edit shared file - Click the button to edit the shared file. After making changes, press the Save button to save the changes and return to normal mode. During editing, the file is locked for editing by other users, to prevent overwriting of the team settings.

Recent changes - Click the button to view the recent changes to the shared file made by users.


OK - Confirm and save user preferences. 

Cancel - Cancel changes and exit. 

Defaults - Revert user preferences to their default values.