FastKeys Clipboard Manager is an extension of the standard Windows Clipboard. It remembers each item placed on the clipboard and provides instant access to any of those items at a later time. It allows you to save any type of information that can be put on the clipboard, text, images, formats etc.

Using Clipboard Manager

FastKeys remembers every piece of data that you copy or cut to the Clipboard. You can then open the Clipboard popup menu by pressing a CTRL + ALT + V shortcut and select an item from the list to be automatically placed into any application.

Setting Clipboard Manager

The Clipboard Manager can be enabled or disabled in Preferences > Functions > Clipboard Manager. 

To disable Clipboard Manager, set the Clipboard History to 0. Alternatively you can select a Clipboard shortcut field and press the Delete key on the keyboard. Clipboard shortcut will be set to None. To change the Clipboard shortcut, select a Clipboard shortcut field and press the desired key combination on the keyboard. 

Clipboard contents can optionally be saved to disk when the program is closed and retrieved when starting a new session.

You can also restrict Clipboard Manager from specific programs to prevent the Clipboard Cache from picking up sensitive information.

Clipboard items can also be shown on a Start Menu - to do this enable the option Show clipboard items in Start Menu Preferences - User Preferences

Clipboard history may not work properly in some applications which use special clipboard manipulation techniques. 

More settings: User Preferences