Please note that this is a separate release and not a free upgrade. Existing users can continue using version 5 which is still fully supported.
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What's new in FastKeys 6.0:
January 25, 2025
Release notes:
- Enhanced and optimized 64 bit engine,
- Faster load and save times for larger databases
- NEW Auto Complete window sensitive wordlists,
- NEW Case If macro supporting multiple conditions
- Conditional break/continue macro execution
- NEW Grid Selection macro (Professional Edition)
- NEW Grid Check macro (Professional Edition)
- Group grid outputs in natural language
- NEW Date and Time calculations,
- Enhanced Date and Time macros
- Auto reload timer setting
- Auto restore hook timer setting
- Enhanced Calculation macro options
- Enhanced Auto Complete options
- Enhanced recognition of advanced keyboard key,mouses and other devices,
- Improved recognition of special characters in abbreviations
- Auto import from previous FastKeys versions
- Updated documentation
- Updated translations
- Abundance of other improvements and bug fixes
Comments, suggestions or bug reports are highly appreciated.

Thanks and stay safe!
Download FastKeys HERE.