Running into an issue, Windows 10 mouse is "slow" to click?

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Posts: 21
Joined: Sep 3rd, ’19, 16:01

Post by alih1029 » Nov 6th, ’23, 22:36

I used to have a shortcut as such, which copies anything that is selected. I've disabled the shortcut, but am still having an issue where if I put my cursor on something and click, Windows 10 will not "register" the left click. Even double clicks are slow to register. I've tried different mice, i've tried different usb ports, no luck.

Code: Select all

#IfWinNotActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass

  cos_mousedrag_treshold := 20 ; pixels
  MouseGetPos, cos_mousedrag_x, cos_mousedrag_y
  keywait lbutton
  mousegetpos, cos_mousedrag_x2, cos_mousedrag_y2
  if (abs(cos_mousedrag_x2 - cos_mousedrag_x) > cos_mousedrag_treshold
    or abs(cos_mousedrag_y2 - cos_mousedrag_y) > cos_mousedrag_treshold)
    wingetclass cos_class, A
    if (cos_class == "Emacs")
      sendinput !w
      sendinput ^c
; firefox does pasting on middleclick by itself
#IfWinNotActive ahk_class MozillaUIWindowClass

  WinGetClass cos_class, A
  ;; emacs does pasting on middleclick by itself
  if (cos_class <> "Emacs")
    SendInput ^v

;; clipx
  sendinput ^+{insert}
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