FastKeys Version History

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Post by Marko » Mar 14th, ’14, 15:59

FastKeys Automation Software
A list of version updates, including new features and bug fixes.

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6.0 (January 25, 2025)

- Enhanced and optimized 64 bit engine,
- Faster load and save times for larger databases
- NEW Auto Complete window sensitive wordlists,
- NEW Case If macro supporting multiple conditions
- Conditional break/continue macro execution
- NEW Grid Selection macro (Professional Edition)
- NEW Grid Check macro (Professional Edition)
- Group grid outputs in natural language
- NEW Date and Time calculations,
- Enhanced Date and Time macros
- Auto reload timer setting
- Auto restore hook timer setting
- Enhanced Calculation macro options
- Enhanced Auto Complete options
- Enhanced recognition of advanced keyboard key,mouses and other devices,
- Improved recognition of special characters in abbreviations
- Auto import from previous FastKeys versions
- Updated documentation
- Updated translations
- Abundance of other improvements and bug fixes

5.17 (September 20, 2024)
- Clipboard Manager separate shortcut,
- Slider control range improvement,
- Selection form image scaling improvement,
- Startup script optimization,
- Updated translations,
- Several enhancements and bug fixes.

5.16 (June 22, 2024)
- Enterprise Edition - additional settings added,
- Excel data loading times optimized,
- Updated translations,
- Bug fixes.

5.15 (May 5, 2024)
- File/Save selected as... menu option,
- Output format - adapt case option,
- Auto Complete - Copy to clipboard option,
- Control Click macro - No click option (mouse move only),
- New translations,
- Several enhancements and bug fixes.

5.14 (February 2, 2024)
- New alternative Selection Form view (full text),
- Improved Selection form positioning (following caret in browsers)
- Improved Selection Form previews,
- Startup script can now contain functions and subroutines,
- Updated translations,
- Several enhancements and bug fixes.

5.13 (September 8, 2023)
- Selection Form Preview,
- Repeat latest command shortcut,
- Variables available in more macros,
- Alternative backspace method in Auto Complete,
- Updated translations,
- Several enhancements and bug fixes.

5.12 (May 6, 2023)
- Added option to align Radio and CheckBox controls horizontally,
- Comments enabled in Send mode,
- Import routines improved,
- Auto Complete popup optimized,
- Additional settings in Enterprise Edition,
- Updated translations,
- Several enhancements and bug fixes.

5.11 (February 11, 2023)
- Extended input validations in Manual Text Input macro,
- Added custom (RegEx) input validation,
- Added new Message Box macro options,
- Updated translations,
- Several enhancements and bug fixes.

5.10 (December 27, 2022)
- Clipboard method option available per individual item,
- Labels, Separators and Images can be added to selection forms,
- New Loop macro,
- Resizable Selection form dialog,
- Updated translations,
- Several enhancements and bug fixes.

5.09 (September 16, 2022)
- New Optional Section macro,
- Double press and long press shortcuts,
- Clipboard Manager variables,
- Relative to Window option in Control Click macro,
- File and folder selection forms,
- Startup script,
- Romanian translation,
- Several other enhancements and bug fixes.

5.08 (June 12, 2022)
- Remember Last Input option added to Input and Selection macros
- Improved formatted text expansion in various applications,
- Search command contents added to Find options,
- Clipboard Manager improvements,
- Updated translations,
- Several enhancements and bug fixes.

5.07 (March 18, 2022)
- Team sharing features are now easier to access (Professional Edition),
- New Share menu for quick item sharing,
- New Export file feature,
- Command line parameters,
- Import optimizations,
- Updated translations (Italian, Brazilian, French, Catalan),
- Several other enhancements and bug fixes.

5.06 (November 28, 2021)
- Relative to window mouse option in Macro Recorder,
- Locale option added to Date and Time macro,
- User Input variables available in Automation macros,
- Reset to defaults button added to Start menu settings,
- Import routines improved,
- Updated translations (Tamil, Slovak),
- Several other enhancements and bug fixes.

5.05 (September 4, 2021)
- Added: Floating Clipboard Manager,
- Optimized loading times,
- Improved recorded macro playback,
- Added scripts to the Library,
- Updated translations,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

5.04 (June 19, 2021)
- Added: Shortcut to Quickly disable/enable Auto Complete,
- Added: New Message Box macro (Professional Edition),
- Improved and optimized In-line calculator,
- Added: Don't delete string option (calculator),
- Advanced shortcuts available in Preferences,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

5.03 (April 28, 2021)
- Added: manual save mode,
- Added: additional popup positions,
- Improved Date and Time macros,
- Updated translations,
- Various small improvements and bug fixes.

5.02 (March 7, 2021)
- Added: Toolbar transparency option,
- Added: Phrase file and Wordlist sorting,
- Translations updated: Russian, Bulgarian,
- Small improvements and bug fixes.

5.01 (February 14, 2021)
- Updated translations: German, French, Italian, Chinese, Hindi, Slovak, Norwegian, Slovenian;
- Small improvements and bug fixes.

5.0 (January 24, 2021)
- Enhanced and modernized Gui,
- Added Toolbars - always on top start menus with customizable settings,
- Added Open webpage macro,
- Added Run program macro,
- Added Open file macro,
- Added Open folder macro,
- Added Create mail macro,
- Added Activate window macro,
- Added Selection Table macro,
- Added Excel lookup macro,
- Added Text file lookup macro,
- Added Excel Data range macro,
- Added Calculation macro,
- Enhanced Manual Text Input options (Default text, Input format, Multi line)
- Added No output option to several macros,
- Added Output format options to several macros,
- Enhanced font dialogs with Unlimited color selections,
- Enhanced resizable Quick find window,
- Simplified Run type - now covers Run, Open and Script type commands,
- Added Gui color themes,
- Added Customizable Gui icon bar,
- Added Display number of items in module,
- Added Option to include spaces in Auto Complete search,
- Added Option for defining Selection form popup width,
- Added Auto import from previous FastKeys versions,
- Updated documentation,
- Updated translations,
- Abundance of other improvements and bug fixes.

4.30 (December 19, 2020)
- Engine optimization,
- Updated translations,
- Several small improvements and bug fixes.

4.29 (October 29, 2020)
- Adjust to typed case option now works with popup selections,
- Clipboard paste without formation option optimized,
- Updated translations,
- Several small improvements and bug fixes.

4.28 (August 28, 2020)
- Auto Learn optimizations,
- Updated translations,
- Small improvements and bug fixes.

4.27 (June 13, 2020)
- Double capitals correction exclusions added to Preferences,
- Added phrase file: Symbols,
- Popup font size issues resolved,
- Updated translations,
- Small improvements and bug fixes.

4.26 (April 9, 2020)
- Default suffix character added to Preferences,
- Learning module improvements,
- Start menu coloring issues resolved,
- Control click issues resolved,
- Updated translations,
- Small improvements and bug fixes.

4.25 (February 12, 2020
- Import function improved,
- New settings in Enterprise Edition,
- Norwegian translation,
- Updated translations,
- Small improvements and bug fixes.

4.24 (December 22, 2019)
- Shortcuts improvements,
- New settings in Enterprise Edition,
- Updated translations,
- Small improvements and bug fixes.

4.23 (November 11, 2019)
- Space added as a selection key,
- Start Menu improvements,
- New settings in Enterprise Edition,
- Updated translations,
- Small improvements and bug fixes.

4.22 (September 21, 2019)
- Improved duplicates management,
- Improved Quick find,
- Added phrase file: Fractions,
- Updated translations,
- Small improvements and bug fixes.

4.21 (August 23, 2019)
- AutoText import,
- Multiple monitor support improved,
- Updated translations,
- Several small improvements
- Bug fixes.

4.20 (July 6, 2019)
- Description prefix enabled in Checkbox selections,
- Policy Manager update (Enterprise Edition) - team usage statistics,
- Turkish translation,
- Updated translations,
- Other improvements and bug fixes.

4.19 (June 1, 2019)
- Engine upgrade to AutoHotkey 1.1.30
- Calculator improvements,
- Auto Complete prefixes,
- Updated translations,
- Several other improvements and bug fixes.

4.18 (April 10, 2019)
- Added Team options - shared settings (Professional Edition),
- Optimized Quick Find window,
- Improved duplicates management,
- Improved Import options,
- Enhanced Enterprise Edition features,
- Updated translations,
- Several small improvements and bug fixes.

4.17 (February 17, 2019)
- Added more detailed popup position settings,
- Added Import to Auto Complete,
- Added Auto Complete case sensitive option,
- Optimized Quick Find window,
- Improved error reporting,
- Enhanced Enterprise Edition features,
- Updated translations,
- Several small improvements and bug fixes.

4.16 (January 27, 2019)
- Optimized gestures context sensitivity,
- Updated translations,
- Several small improvements,
- Bug fixes

4.15 (December 28, 2018)
- Clipboard Manager optimizations,
- Updated Library commands,
- Digital signature,
- Updated translations,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

4.14 (November 9 2018)
- New macro: Date and Time,
- Update order on paste option added to Clipboard Manager,
- Clipboard Manager optimizations,
- Italian translation,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

4.13 (October 13, 2018)
- Updated usage statistics,
- Position above the caret option for popups,
- File properties window added,
- Warning in cases when the file does not exist,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

4.12 (September 15, 2018)
- Modifier characters are now disabled by default,
- Additional Start Menu appearance options,
- Enterprise Edition - Policy Manager updates,
- Language translation updates,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

4.11 (August 7, 2018)
- Fully customizable individual Start Menu entries (colors, font, size etc.)
- Additional Start Menu appearance options,
- Multiple monitor support improved,
- Description available in Radio control type selections,
- Language translation updates,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

4.10 (July 8, 2018)
- Auto spacing feature added to Auto Complete preferences,
- Library improvements,
- Language translation updates,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

4.09 (June 4, 2018)
- Print menu,
- Improved Auto Complete character recognition,
- Improved learning module,
- Language translation updates,
- Various small improvements and bug fixes.

4.08 (May 5, 2018)
- New online documentation,
- Improved context help,
- Improved Auto Complete character recognition,
- Language translation updates,
- Various small improvements and bug fixes.

4.07 (March 24, 2018)
- Quick find - quickly search for any FastKeys command and execute it,
- Manual Auto-Complete shortcut,
- Escape key behavior in popups improved,
- Improved DPI awareness,
- Various small improvements and bug fixes.

4.06 (February 27, 2018)
- Data encryption and password protection,
- Auto Complete adjusts to typed case,
- Clipboard Manager removes formatting by default,
- Language translation updates,
- Various small improvements and bug fixes.

4.05 (December 28, 2017)
- Engine optimization,
- Language translation updates,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

4.04 (November 19, 2017)
- Improved Preferences structure,
- New function: Calculate math expressions as you type,
- Search feature,
- Breevy import,
- Relative paths possible in Insert Image/File contents macros,
- Optimized key delays,
- Language translation updates,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

4.03 (September 23, 2017)
- New website and forum support,
- System settings updated,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

4.02 (August 31, 2017)
- New macro - Control Click,
- Several key delay and window focus options added to increase reliability in slower applications,
- Menu top edge zone definition added,
- Import from Excel improved,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

4.01 (June 24, 2017)
- Clipboard Manager - Save history option added,
- Multiple monitor support improved,
- Command size limitation increased,
- Chinese Simplified translation added,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

4.0 (May 20, 2017)
- Engine optimization,
- Sound notifications,
- File/Restore function - Restore data from backup files,
- Improved error reporting,
- Support for larger Input Selection Forms using scrollbar or by breaking to columns,
- Multiple equal Input/Select variables in the text now only require single user input,
- 'No output' _prefix available for Input/Select variables,
- New Selection Form type - Input,
- DateTime Selection Form can now accept free date and time formats,
- New Popups option: Transparency (%),
- New Popups option: Shadow type,
- New Selection Form option: Show titlebar,
- New Selection Form option: Break to columns to fit the screen,
- New Text Expander option: Use clipboard for Rich Text,
- Increased number of user variables,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.18 (March 8, 2017)
- Enabled sorting of Phrase files and Wordlists,
- New Auto Complete option - Send raw text,
- 'Display suggestions as you type' option is no longer dependent on Auto Complete module being active,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.17 (February 21, 2017)
- File/Append function - Import data from FastKeys settings file,
- File/Import - Import data from delimited text/Excel file or AutoHotkey script,
- Auto Complete - Include descriptions option added,
- System files upgrade,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.16 (January 14, 2017)
- New macro - Conditional text substitutes,
- Clipboard Manager - Allow duplicates option added to Preferences,
- Two digit year variable added,
- Auto Complete raw behavior fixed,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.15 (December 4, 2016)
- Adjust to typed case option added to Preferences - allows disabling case sensitive abbreviations,
- Resolved punctuation issues with US International keyboard,
- Enable/Disable options added to main menu,
- Engine upgrade to AutoHotkey 1.1.24,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.14 (November 5, 2016)
- Font setting for a command field added,
- New scripts added to Library,
- Language translation updates,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.13 (September 24, 2016)
- Assign custom icons to menu items,
- Random text generation syntax support (Spintax),
- Optimized mouse gestures for left hand use,
- Spanish language translation added,
- Language translation updates,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.12 (September 3, 2016)
- Enable/disable multiple entries from the context menu,
- Spanish common words Wordlist added,
- Language translation updates,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.11 (July 3, 2016)
- General functionality improvements,
- Added: Swedish translation,
- Bug fixes.

3.10 (May 21, 2016)
- Added: New macro - Insert Command Code,
- Added: Usage statistics,
- Improved error reporting,
- General improvements and bug fixes..

3.09 (April 10, 2016)
- New: User defined variables,
- Improved typed case adjustments in Text Expander,
- Dutch, Slovak and Russian language updates,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.08 (February 27, 2016)
- "Display suggestions as you type" behavior improved,
- Advanced Text Expander preferences - Key Delay setting
- User preferences updated,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.07 (January 17, 2016)
- Multiple selections available in more command types,
- Description prefix in multiple selection dialogs,
- Copy to Start Menu option,
- Column sorting,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.06 (December 23, 2015)
- Improved Auto Complete word recognition,
- Brazilian Portuguese translation update,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.05 (November 24, 2015)
- NEW: Show Text Expander suggestions as you type,
- Shift added as a trigger key,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.04 (October 29, 2015)
- NEW: Input Selection Forms - create powerful customizable templates for interactive input,
- Auto Complete optimization,
- Drug names wordlist added,
- Many small improvements,
- Regular bug fixes.

3.03 (August 29, 2015)
- New Macro: Insert Another Command - reuse the same text or actions
- Windows Information Utility - get detailed information about open windows and controls
- General improvements and bug fixes.

3.02 (July 15, 2015)
- Improved language support in Auto Complete,
- Wrap popup menu items,
- Clipboard Manager - hold shift key to paste without closing,
- Arabic translation,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

3.01 (June 6, 2015)
- Improved file content paste control,
- Improved DPI text scaling,
- Library search function,
- Relative file/folder paths,
- Slovak translation,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

3.0 (May 15, 2015)
- Rich Text formatting support,
- Manual text input fields,
- Embedded file contents,
- Cursor position field,
- System variables,
- Additional Start Menu options,
- German translation,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

2.24 (March 14, 2015)
- Multiple substitutes can now be used from other modules,
- More UI parts made resizable,
- Start Menu not triggered if left mouse button is held,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

2.23 (February 22, 2015)
- Resizable user interface,
- Progressive disclosure of advanced options,
- Free rearrangement of modules,
- Window class names properly recognized,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

2.22 (January 18, 2015)
- Several small improvements,
- Run as Administrator option added,
- Bug fixes.Version

2.21 (December 22, 2014)
- Added: Send HTML formatted commands,
- Added: Start Menu font settings,
- Several improvements,
- Bug fixes.

2.20 (November 23, 2014)
- Fully customizable Start Menus,
- Break menu into columns,
- Show clipboard items in the menu,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

2.19 (November 8, 2014)
- Expanded font and color options for popups and menus,
- More control over the Auto Complete suggestions behavior,
- Basic text formatting from a context menu,
- Additional user preferences,
- Bug fixes.

2.18 (October 24, 2014)
- Multiple Start Menus,
- Context command menu,
- New built-in date and time variables,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

2.17 (September 30, 2014)
- Tabbed interface for organizing and grouping items,
- Tab context menu to easily add, rename, delete and move tabs,
- General improvements,
- Bug fixes.

2.16 (August 21, 2014)
- Text Expander option to enable Phrase file abbreviation,
- Improved pop-up lists behavior,
- Auto Complete option - don't delete string,
- Improved application context Gestures - only one is fired at a time,
- Start Menu options,
- French, Japanese and Portuguese translations,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

2.15 (July 11, 2014)
- Improved international keyboard layout support,
- Russian and Dutch translations,
- New shortcuts and menu items,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

2.14 (June 20, 2014)
- New: Macro Recorder functions,
- Duplicate command,
- Copy, Cut, Paste commands,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

2.13 (May 14, 2014)
- Auto backup function,
- New Phrase and Wordlist file menus,
- Medical abbreviations and terms,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

2.12 (April 23, 2014)
- Expanded Clipboard Manager preferences,
- Number key shortcuts for selecting popup items,
- Command size limitation removed,
- New Phrase and Wordlist file menus,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

2.11 (April 9, 2014)
- New: Clipboard Manager,
- New: Advanced shortcuts,
- Hungarian and Slovenian translations,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

2.10 (March 15, 2014)
- Added: Start menu - bottom edge option,
- Engine optimization and improved performance,
- Send Clipboard paste in all modules,
- General improvements and bug fixes.

2.09 (February 12, 2014)
- Minor update,
- Regular improvements and bug fixes.

2.08 (February 3rd, 2014)
- Expanded Start Menu options,
- Nested folders and files in Start Menu,
- Configurable recent items in Start Menu,
- Phrase file and Wordlist file browsing improvements,
- Regular improvements and bug fixes.

2.07 (January 13th, 2014)
- Interface localization enabled,
- Easy translation to your language,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

2.06 (December 30th, 2013)
- Portable version support,
- Expanded Quick-add function

2.05 (December 12th, 2013)
- New module: Mouse Gestures,
- Text expander: default prefix and clipboard paste method,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

2.04 (November 22nd, 2013)
- Data file management system,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

2.03 (October 29th, 2013)
- Improved international characters support,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

2.02 (October 18th, 2013)
- Text Expander - one abbreviation can now trigger multiple substitute actions,
- Text Expander - manual confirmations,
- Multiple window context sensitive definitions,
- New user preferences,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

2.01 (September 21st, 2013)
- Fully-fledged editor with syntax highlighting,
- Drag/drop, Undo/Redo commands,
- Context sensitive help,
- Various improvements and bug fixes.

2.0 (August 29th, 2013)
- New Auto Complete module,
- with Launcher and learning capability,
- Module activation,
- Many new user preferences,
- New program appearance,
- Added wordlist files,
- Various improvements and fixes.

1.10 (July 13th, 2013)
- Added: Additional user preferences,
- Added: New preset commands,
- General improvements.

1.09 (June 14th, 2013)
- Added: Auto Complete with learning
- Added: Phrase Files and Wordlists
- Added: Full Unicode support
- Start menu sensitivity optimization
- General speed improvements.

1.08 (June 10th, 2013)
- Added: Auto Complete with automatic learning capability,
- Added: Introduction of Phrase Files,
- Added: Many new spell-check languages and wordlists,
- Added: Expanded user preferences,
- Added: Start menu - left screen edge option,
- Added: New command presets,
- Several general improvements.

1.07 (May 13th, 2013)
- Added: Quick-link shortcuts,
- Added: Recent files/folders preset,
- Added: Text Expander: advanced cursor positioning and multiple abbreviations,
- Added: Multiple screen support,
- Added: Auto version update,

1.06 (April 10th, 2013)
- Added: Universal spelling correction in any application, with English, French, German databases,
- Added: Several improvements,
- Fixed: Minor issues.

1.05 (March 26th, 2013)
- NEW: Text Expander can now run any type of commands
- Auto internet update
- Many new user settings added
- Minor issues fixed.

1.03 (March 11th, 2013)
- New preset commands added,
- Few small issues fixed.

1.02 (February 22nd, 2013)
- Many new presets added.