Copy Folders to a Destination Folder

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Post by vrod5454 » Jun 3rd, ’22, 02:01


I have a a folder structure that I would like to copy to a destination folder by using a START MENU (Middle click) and selecting my "COPY FOLDER STRUCTURE" FastKeys Automation command . The code below works great, but the DestinationFolder path is hard coded ""C:\Users\ME\Desktop\DESTINATION_FOLDER\".

How can I get the path of current directory where I am middle clicking to be the DestinationFolder - so the folder structure is copied there?

Thanks for your help!

Code: Select all

ErrorCount := CopyFilesAndFolders("C:\Users\ME\Desktop\SOURCE_FOLDER\*.*", "C:\Users\ME\Desktop\DESTINATION_FOLDER\")
if (ErrorCount != 0)
    MsgBox %ErrorCount% files/folders could not be copied.

CopyFilesAndFolders(SourcePattern, DestinationFolder, DoOverwrite = false)
; Copies all files and folders matching SourcePattern into the folder named DestinationFolder and
; returns the number of files/folders that could not be copied.
    ; First copy all the files (but not the folders):
    FileCopy, %SourcePattern%, %DestinationFolder%, %DoOverwrite%
    ErrorCount := ErrorLevel
    ; Now copy all the folders:
    Loop, %SourcePattern%, 2  ; 2 means "retrieve folders only".
        FileCopyDir, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %DestinationFolder%\%A_LoopFileName%, %DoOverwrite%
        ErrorCount += ErrorLevel
        if ErrorLevel  ; Report each problem folder by name.
            MsgBox Could not copy %A_LoopFileFullPath% into %DestinationFolder%.
    return ErrorCount

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Post by Tom » Jun 4th, ’22, 09:54

Add this to the beginning of the script to get the current opened folder in Windows Explorer:

Code: Select all

for w in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
   DestinationFolder := w.Document.Folder.Self.Path
Posts: 20
Joined: Apr 18th, ’18, 02:13

Post by vrod5454 » Jul 8th, ’22, 23:57

Hi Tom,

I added the code to the beginning of my script and adjusted CopyFilesAndFolders to use %DestinationFolder% and not the fixed path "C:\Users\ME\Desktop\DESTINATION_FOLDER\".

Problem is I am getting the following error:
"Error0x8001010D - An outgoing call cannot be made since the application is dispatching an input-synchronous call."

Did I use your code incorrectly? Below is the code I am using:

Code: Select all

for w in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
   DestinationFolder := w.Document.Folder.Self.Path

ErrorCount := CopyFilesAndFolders("C:\Users\ME\Desktop\SOURCE_FOLDER\*.*", %DestinationFolder%)

if (ErrorCount != 0)
    MsgBox %ErrorCount% files/folders could not be copied.

CopyFilesAndFolders(SourcePattern, DestinationFolder, DoOverwrite = false)
; Copies all files and folders matching SourcePattern into the folder named DestinationFolder and
; returns the number of files/folders that could not be copied.
    ; First copy all the files (but not the folders):
    FileCopy, %SourcePattern%, %DestinationFolder%, %DoOverwrite%
    ErrorCount := ErrorLevel
    ; Now copy all the folders:
    Loop, %SourcePattern%, 2  ; 2 means "retrieve folders only".
        FileCopyDir, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, %DestinationFolder%\%A_LoopFileName%, %DoOverwrite%
        ErrorCount += ErrorLevel
        if ErrorLevel  ; Report each problem folder by name.
            MsgBox Could not copy %A_LoopFileFullPath% into %DestinationFolder%.
    return ErrorCount
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