This macro opens a web page in the default or selected web browser.

Name - The unique name of the macro field. The field name cannot contain blanks or special characters. Two fields with the same name and of the same type are treated as one.

Address (URL) - Address of the web page to be opened.

Browser - Select the browser to open the web page. Select Default to use a system default browser.

Browser path (optional) - Select browser path in case the Custom browser is selected. Press the Open button to select the file using the file dialog.

Mode - Select the size of the opened window (Normal, Maximized or Minimized).

Timeout (ms) - Specify the delay (in milliseconds) to pause the execution until the web page is fully loaded.

Select OK to insert a %RUN_Name% macro field into the command. Double-click on the field name to open the dialog and edit the macro properties again. 

The following example opens a web page and then continues with entering a text into the input field.
