Manual Text Input
This macro prompts the user to enter text and inserts entered text within the phrase placeholder. Input dialog window appears before the command is executed.
•Name - The unique name of the macro field. The field name cannot contain blanks or special characters. Two fields with the same name and of the same type are treated as one - the user input is only required once.
•Description (optional) - Description of a field to be shown on the input dialog.
•Default Text (optional) - Predefined text to be displayed on the input dialog.
•Input format (optional) - Select one of the input formats: None, Required, Text, Letters, Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers, Digits, Show thousands separator, Email, URL, Custom (RegEx).
•Remember last input (optional) - If this option is enabled, the last user input will be pre-selected when calling the macro next time.
•Multi line (optional) - Makes it possible to enter more than one line of text.
•No output (optional) - Enable this option to instruct FastKeys not to output the value. This is useful for storing the values for later use in the conditional statements, calculations or scripts.
•Output format (optional) - The macro output can be further processed by several additional macro functions. See: Output format
Select OK to insert a %INPUT_Name% macro field into the command. Double-click on the field name to open the dialog and edit the macro properties again.
In the following example, the user will be asked to enter a customer name before the command is executed.
Dear Mr. %INPUT_CustomerName%,
Thank you for contacting us.
INPUT_Name field variables can also be used in the conditional statements, calculations or scripts.