Date and Time
This macro inserts current date or time in a specified format. This function can also be used to insert a date or time in the future or in the past. Double-click the field name to change settings.
•Name - The unique name of the macro field. The field name cannot contain blanks or special characters. Two fields with the same name and of the same type are treated as one - the user input is only required once.
•Format - Select one of the preset date and time output formats or free type your custom format. Select "..." button to choose from available format fields (see Date and Time format lists below)
•Base value - Select down button to choose from available values or enter the date/time in any format. To use the current date/time, select "Now" or leave the input empty.
•Shift - Choose the desired options to insert future or past date or time. Set any combination of years, months, days, business days (Monday to Friday), hours, minutes and seconds.
•Round time to - Rounds the output time to 60 minutes (full hour), 30, 15, 10 or 5 minutes. Select 0 to disable rounding.
•No output (optional) - Enable this option to instruct FastKeys not to output the value. This is useful for storing the values for later use in the conditional statements, calculations or scripts.
Select OK to insert a %DATETIME_Name% macro field into the command. Double-click on the field name to open the dialog and edit the macro properties again.
In the following example, the date in specified format will be inserted at the specified location.
I propose the meeting on %DATETIME_ThreeDays%.
DATETIME_Name field variables can also be used in the conditional statements, calculations or scripts.
Date Formats
d |
Day of the month without leading zero (1 – 31) |
dd |
Day of the month with leading zero (01 – 31) |
ddd |
Abbreviated name for the day of the week (e.g. Mon) in the current user's language |
dddd |
Full name for the day of the week (e.g. Monday) in the current user's language |
M |
Month without leading zero (1 – 12) |
MM |
Month with leading zero (01 – 12) |
Abbreviated month name (e.g. Jan) in the current user's language |
Full month name (e.g. January) in the current user's language |
y |
Year without century, without leading zero (0 – 99) |
yy |
Year without century, with leading zero (00 – 99) |
yyyy |
Year with century. For example: 2005 |
Time Formats
h |
Hours without leading zero; 12-hour format (1 – 12) |
hh |
Hours with leading zero; 12-hour format (01 – 12) |
H |
Hours without leading zero; 24-hour format (0 – 23) |
HH |
Hours with leading zero; 24-hour format (00 – 23) |
m |
Minutes without leading zero (0 – 59) |
mm |
Minutes with leading zero (00 – 59) |
s |
Seconds without leading zero (0 – 59) |
ss |
Seconds with leading zero (00 – 59) |
t |
Single character time marker, such as A or P (depends on locale) |
tt |
Multi-character time marker, such as AM or PM (depends on locale) |