Data Protection
FastKeys allows you to secure your settings files against unauthorized access.
Setting data protection
To access Data Protection settings, open the main program window and select File > Data Protection from the main menu.
The following protection levels are available:
▪None - The Data Protection is disabled
▪Encrypt File - Encrypt settings file to ensure the settings can only be edited in FastKeys.
▪Encrypt with password - Encrypt and lock settings file with the password. The specified password will need to be entered at each program launch.
The following options are also available:
▪Remember on this computer - The password will be entered on program launch automatically. This option will not protect the settings on the local computer.
▪Protect backups - Enable this option to protect backup files.
FastKeys uses a strong AES encryption algorithm. Backup files created before the activation are not protected. Phrase and Wordlist files are also not protected.